A LIVING LOST LINK ♢ A Supposed Iguanodon Benrissantensis. ♢ (A Prehistoric Monster in Death Valley Desert.) ♢ The Horrible Creature Recently Seen by a Scientist—His Description of an Animal Belonging to Past Ages.
That marvelous monster which was seen in the Death valley desert, about twenty miles from Daggett, recently by Mr. E. W. Speer and Mr. Henry Brown of Daggett, at separate times, while out on prospecting parties, has occasioned a wonderful interest in scientific circles, especially those who have made palæontological research.
Yesterday Mr. Oscar W. Clark, who has been spending some time in Daggett and who has been making geological researches along the coast in the interest of the Royal Academy of Sciences, was on his way to Coronado to take a rest. Mr.Clark has made a number of journeys into Death valley desert, and was one of the parties who saw this gigantic monster. He has sent the result of his experiences to the Smithsonian Institute, with a view to having a party sent out here to endeavor to capture the monster.
“The announcement of the experiences of Messrs. Spear and Brown rather anticipated me,” said Mr. Clark yesterday. “I had a fine opportunity of seeing this strange denizen of that mysterious land known as Death Valley desert, and I desire to say that this animal is the most wonderful living proof of the exact authenticity of the researches made by savants into the field of palæontological study. This animal is really the only living link between prehistoric times and the present. It is virtually