HIDEOUS MAN-EATER ♢ Along the Classic Banks of the
Teton the Monster Frolics.

From time to time vague rumors have reached Great Falls of the depredations of a horrible monster which is reported to be roaming at large in Choteau county. Such fear has seized the people along Teton river that they have made every preparation against the monster, be it man or beast. Women and children are reported to have been frightened by the strange creature to such an extent that they have become seriously ill. Antelope and coyote hunters claim to have seen it skulking along the brush along the Teton, and ranchers claim that at night, hearing disturbances in the sheep pens, they have hastened forth, but just in time to see the brute escaping with a choice mutton wether clutched in his strange talons.
Many scoff at the stories circulated and profess to believe that the animal is a wolf of great size and unusual courage, but others, more credulous, claim that the animal has avoided bait which would tempt any wolf and say that it is invulnerable to bullets from any ordinary rifle.
One rancher claims that recently, while his wife was returning from the hen house, about noon, she heard a commotion among the poultry, and returning to the hen house to investigate, as she opened the door a monstrous beast leaped over her head, its hot breath being plainly felt upon her face, and with a sound like a human moan, it