U N N A T U R A L   H I S T O R Y   M U S E U M

“  S T E A M P U N K   P R O T O T Y P E S  
comet has been observed passing through the sun’s corona at a speed of 350 miles per second—that is, without the slightest retardation of speed. This shows that the corona is much lighter than a comet’s tail, and enormously lighter than hydrogen, which we now use to lift balloons.
    It is believed that coronium exists in the upper regions of the atmosphere. Many new atmospheric gases, such as krypton, neon and argon, discovered by Sir Willam Ramsay, have been identified in recent years, and it is highly probable that others still remain to be found. If coronium exists in the atmosphere it must be in combination with other substances which hold it down.
    “When we are successful in isolating coronium we shall solve the problem of aviation both within the atmosphere and beyond,” said Mr. Nield. He is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and was chief of the solar eclipse expedition to Burgos, Spain, in 1903, and also leader of the British Astronomical Society’s expedition to Cape Matifou, Algeria, in 1900.
    “There is nothing lighter than coronium,” he continued. “Although it seems a rather extraordinary prediction. I maintain that someday this coronium will be harnessed, and we will have an opportunity of visiting our neighbors upon the other planets. This may not be during our generation. But it is sure to come. And when it does we will be able to discover for ourselves what sort of people reside on Mars.
    “Coronium is closely allied in nature to nebulum, which exists in large quautity in a great number of the nebulae of the heavens, and, like nebulum, it exists in a free state there.
    “The coronium line has only been observed something slightly under two hours in the whole history of the human race. In other words, it has been seen at the total eclipse observations for only a few seconds every two years. With specially prepared chemical plates I succeeded In photographing the corona at the moment of totality. I prepared my plates, placed my camera and had everything in readiness ten minutes before the eclipse, and was able to get a photograph before the totality was over. The totality lasts only 67 seconds, so you can readily see that there is not much time to be lost, and everything must be in readiness.
    “An eclipse, with the corona furnishing a sort of halo around it, is a most beautiful sight to behold and one not to be forgotten.”
    Mr. Nield and his colleagues have been planning the type of machine which would be best adapted for navigating space with the help of coronium. This machine would have a car of fish-like form, constructed of steel, in order to resist every kind of pressure from within and without. Inside this little fortress the voyagers to the stars would operate the machinery and guide the course of the vessel. They would be provided with everything to make them safe and comfortable during such a hazardous and uncertain voyage.
    Along the roof of the car would be little reservoirs of the precious gas coronium, arranged in balls of corrugated steel of peculiar construction to guard against the enormous pressure from within, and also against any possibility of leakage.
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