Packwood and Barrett sold the curiosity to M. J. Donahoo of San Francisco and P. B. Donahoo, his brother, of this city. The consideration was $10,000. The body was placed on exhibition here yesterday morning and more than on thousand persons were admit a small charge being exacted. The first owners of the curiosity were offered sums ranging all the way from $2000 to $8000 before concluding the bargain with the Donahoos.
It is the intention of the purchasers to exhibit the petrifaction throughout the Pacific Coast and the East. They intend to go at it in a businesslike way. First an artist will visit the spot where the body was dug up, and views of everything around about will be taken. A picture of the petrifaction will also be made, and everything possible of a convincing nature will be secured to substantiate the discovery and the genuineness of the petrified body. Very close to where the body was found a prospector not long since, while sinking a prospect hole, unearthed a petrified snake, but upon being exposed several days it crumbled to pieces. There are now within a few hundred yards of the same place many excellent specimens of petrified wood, notable among them being a log ten feet long and fully forty inches in diameter.—Ex.

From— The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands), 31 Dec. 1890., Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.